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A Child Will Strengthen Your Relationship Or Marriage

Many couples will feel like they have reached a point of “what now?” Often their friends are in similar situations, some already have children and some may not, either way there is always that expectant pressure to have kids when you are in a serious relationship of any kind. Some people worry that such a big change will damage their relationship. They see their friends so wrapped up in their children’s lives they often have no time for themselves or each other anymore. This does not have to be the case, in fact having children can be a wonderful enrichment to your relationship.

Having children can strengthen a relationship because it is a psychical manifestation of your love for one another. Every time you look at that child you are reminded of your partner and in turn they are reminded of you. Children are the melding of yours and your partners genes into a tiny miracle that can grow in the same way that your love has. You and your partner started out as nothing but came together as strangers and have grown into a lowing couple, so to has that child come from nothing and is born through your love.

This physical reminder can be the strongest reason why people choose to have children.Children are not just an object however and the reason they can strengthen your relationship is because they cause love to grow. It is unnatural for people to say they do not love their children, many would even be shocked at the suggestion. By having children you increase the love in your life and by doing so you also increase your love for your partner. In this way having children brings you closer together and more in love than you were before you had children. Some people choose not to have children but it seems they are missing out on a huge boost of love in their relationship.One of the best things about how children can strengthen your relationship is that they give you something to share with your partner.

A child is a piece of both of you, it belongs to both parents genetically and emotionally. Or at least that is how it should be in a loving family unit where both parents are present. When you share the responsibility of having children you are showing your partner their value in your life and how much they mean to you. That you love them enough not only to have a child with them but to continue to be there with them as the child grows. It is easy to conceive a child, but it is difficult to continue to be there and be a parent and doing so shows your commitment to the other person in your life (more about how to get your girlfriend back here).Having children makes you happier and gives you greater love in your life. They make your relationship with your partner richer and stronger. Having children is a big decision though and it something you should do only if you want to enrich your relationship with your partner, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons before bringing a child into your lives .therefore child has a significant role in couple’s lives unless you “how to win back your ex wife

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